Ormond Beach Demographics
Population (year 2009): 37,825
Females: 20,144 (53.3%), Males: 17,681 (46.7%)
Elevation: 6 feet
County: Volusia
Land Area: 25.7 Miles
Latitude: 29.29 N, Longitude: 81.07 W
Median resident age: 47.5 years
Median household income (year 2000): $43,364
Median house value (year 2009) $204,538
Official Nickname: Birthplace of Speed
Ormond Beach Zip Codes: 32173, 32174, 32175, 32176
For population age 25 and older in Ormond Beach:
High school or higher: 88.0%
Bachelor’s degree or higher: 29.1%
Graduate or professional degree: 10.8%
Unemployed: 3.3%
For population 15 years and over in Ormond Beach:
Never married: 17.4%
Married: 60.1%
Separated: 1.0%
Widowed: 10.1%
Divorced: 11.4%
Daytime population change due to commuting: plus 1,294 (+3.6%)
Workers who live and work in this city: 5,522 (35.8%)
Most common industries in Ormond Beach:
Construction (13%)
Retail trade (12%)
Professional, scientific, and technical services (9%)
Accommodation and food services (9%)
Health care and social assistance (9%)
Educational services (7%)
Manufacturing (6%)
Ormond Beach compared to Florida state average:
Unemployed percentage: below state average
Black race population percentage: significantly above state average
Hispanic race population percentage: below state average
Median age: significantly above state average
Renting percentage: below state average
House age: below state average